Sunday 13 January 2013

6/1/13 - Justin and Amanda Engaged

We spent the morning readying the flat for Jenny and Richard and attending to all of those things that one just has to do – washing, cleaning etc.
Cameron arrived home first, so we caught up with his adventures in Brooklyn. Then Jenny and Richard arrived at 5.30pm (right on time) having travelled all the way from Toronto where they had been spending time with Richard’s sisters over Christmas. We dressed up and set off for a local landmark restaurant, ‘Campagnolo’ on 73rd and 1st. We were a little nervous as to how the night would unfold as this restaurant has either really good or really bad reviews – seems the service and the food really polarises New Yorkers … but that’s New Yorkers for you … they never seem to agree about anything … so we made the booking anyway.   

As it turned out the whole night was wonderful. We were joined by my colleague Justin and partner Amanda who had just announced their engagement, so it was celebrations all round. We had the best table in the house, toasted the happy couple with champagne, sampled the antipasto before diving into the seafood appetiser platter (here in USA entrée is the name of the main meal – go figure). This was followed be a six pasta tasting plate. The others ordered ‘T-Bone for Two’ – which turned out to be so huge that even Peter and Cameron could barely finish one between them and by the time the vegetables arrived we were all full – very full indeed so no room for dessert!
Slept soundly.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying my coffee before work and catching up with your news! The servings must be big if Pete & Cam struggle to finish them! Sounds like you having an amazing time. Is Pete going to do any work whilst there??
