Friday 18 January 2013

13/1/13 – Cycling to the George Washington Bridge

Sunday morning dawned cool and overcast … but not windy. It was perfect cycling weather. So while I slept, Peter took Jenny and Richard for a long bike ride up the East River Greenway. At first this seemed like a very smart plan, but then the Greenway ended abruptly at 135th Street and instead of a nice smooth flat bike path to travel on they found that they had to carefully pick their way across heavily trafficked streets through Harlem and up the steep hill to Washington Heights before descending again to the Hudson River Greenway and pushing even further North, to the Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington Bridge. Good ride filled with adventure.
Peter then met up with Dirk and Hua (our hosts) to discuss the waterproofing of the shower over a few beers at a local pub. In the end they resolved that we would have to be out of the flat by 8am so that the contractors can pull down the tiles and set about their job over the next three days. Luckily we have a gym membership so showering shouldn’t be a problem.  
To our surprise Jenny and Richard cooked us a farewell dinner and presented us with a basket of goodies tonight.  We had the most succulent NY cut steak with salad and fruit followed by tea and dark chocolate. It is going to be sad to say farewell to them tomorrow as we have had such fun. But unfortunately for him, Richard has to work next week. Luckily Jenny has a year off school to ‘find her mojo’. So they’ll be on their way home soon but not before they drop into Toronto to collect their bags and then stopover in Hong Kong for a whirlwind visit. Peter has given them a packed itinerary of things that are a must see so I hope they enjoy themselves. Ah good old HK – some good memories there and not all of them related to their national pastime - food!

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