Friday 18 January 2013

15/1/13 – The Book of Mormon

Went to the gym this morning and along the way noted the types of businesses on the street front on my twenty block walk down York Avenue. Leaving aside the plethora of restaurants, I noted that York Avenue has twice as many nail bars as dry cleaners and twice as many pet shops as both of them put together. People here sure do love their dogs here in NYC! Cameron says it is because it is marginally cheaper to keep a dog than to have children, but I think it’s because dogs are easier to look after and they are always happy to see you. I just hope everyone has bigger apartments than us as we have seen some very big doggies being walked down the street. When being walked by their owners these pooches are often richly adorned with coats and collars … today I saw a husky with purple boots! I can’t wait for Summer to arrive so I can see them in their sunglasses and hats. There are also cute signs along the way that say ‘curb your dog’ which I assume means take your dog for a pee/poo on the street edge (curb) but no one does and one is continually dodging little yellow puddles on the pavement. Most New Yorkers do however pick up their pet’s ‘doggy poop’ these days!
After my workout I returned home to learn that Cameron had booked tickets and was planning to take me to see the hottest show on Broadway, ‘The Book of Mormon’. Peter was still too sick with the ‘flu to go out so Camo and I set off to collect the tickets but before hitting Broadway I wanted im to see the Frick Collection. He was impressed. Then before the show, we popped in to ‘Gyu-Kaku’ for some Japanese BBQ. Lucky Cameron - it was happy hour and so all of the food and beer was half price. Needless to say we ordered twice as much and it was delicious!
Even before we took our seats in the theatre it was clear that the place was packed … this really is the hottest show in New York right now! And it soon became clear why it is in such high demand. The show is a fast paced, irreverent ‘piss-take’ of those people from Salt Lake City. The story line is focussed on the journeys of two missionaries to Uganda. It was hilarious! You’ll just have to see the climactic dramatic  interpretation of the locals of the Mormon’s story for yourselves because I simply can’t remember all of the outstanding one liners they managed to fit into this skit. The guys from South Park who wrote the work have outdone themselves! When you are next in NYC do yourselves a favour and pay whatever it takes to secure a ticket for this show … it comes highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. I saw book of mormon last nigh. so amazing.Great tickets at I've been listening to the soundtrack all day."scary mormon hell" is the bestest.So so so glad it came to chicago.
