Friday 4 January 2013

3/1/13 - Cameron Arrives

Despite the -6 degrees and in keeping with our New Year’s resolutions (because our clothes don’t fit anymore) we trotted off to the gym today. We had a chat with Ian, (one of the Personal Trainers Ian and the only rugby player in the gym) re our needs and assured him that, as seasoned gym bunnies, we could both just get straight into it. That was until we realised all of the weights were in pounds. We looked like complete amateurs. Peter kept setting a weight and then having to stop to readjust it, then readjust it again. And of course as well as the weights issue, I also picked the only the treadmill out of the thirty where the TV wasn’t working and spent the entire time pushing all of the buttons trying to get it to work. I can’t wait for tomorrow when we go for a swim…and we have to remember to swim anti-clockwise and keep on the right!! Ha! Ha!
On the walk home we stopped at ‘Bob’s Bagels’ and ordered some bagels with cream cheese and lox to go. Mmmm … mine was pumpernickel, Peter’s was with caraway seeds and as we hadn’t eaten breakfast we were hungry for them. But true to form Cameron and BK showed up just as we were about to eat and Peter ended up sitting there most forlorn as he watched his much anticipated second bagel disappear down the gullet of offspring No 1 and his friend.
It was great to hear of their wonderful adventures here in NYC. They’ve seen some sights, watched the Brooklyn Nets play and visited many cool bars and clubs. But the most amusing story was the reason they were all here in the first place – Barry Dry’s 25th birthday party. As it turned out most of the 2005 Scotch College boys made it into town this week; that is except for Barry.  Because of visa issues Barry was unable to return to the USA and so the boys celebrated
his birthday in NYC in absentia! 
Cameron was off to see the New York Knicks play tonight – he really loves his basketball  - so we set up his bed in anticipation of another late night for him. We then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping downtown. First we collected our tickets for the Met Opera – ‘The Barber of Seville’ for Saturday night at the Lincoln Centre and surprise, surprise we jagged two seats to ‘Turandot’ for next Thursday night as well. Peter was very excited until he saw that I had wandered into the Met shop - oh my god was it terrific! They have, as well as the usual high class merchandise, the most amazing clothing and matching jewellery that can be worn to the opera. I must remember to ‘pop in’ again before Saturday night! We then set off for Macey’s to purchase some supplies for the house – not enough towels for our guests etc. So in the end what started
out to be a short expedition to collect some basics turned into the most wonderful stroll down 23 blocks from the Lincoln Centre through Times Square to Macey’s on Broadway. The night was cold but the Christmas lights and millions of watts of advertising warmed our hearts. We were right in the middle of the tourist part of town and we loved it.
Stopped off at the supermarket to collect some steak and vegetables – we felt like a home cooked meal tonight and it was great fun trying to find ways to cook in a flat where the owners obviously don’t cook much. Still trying hard to pick a bottle of wine here that tastes at least reasonable…...   

Things noticed today:
1.       American’s are inundated every minute of every day by food advertisements – it is overwhelming!  
2.       American tastebuds are changing to Mexican – could have something to do with the shift in first language Spanish speakers from the current 35% of the American population. In the next fifteen years it is predicted to increase to more than 50%.
3.       When it comes to dairy products, the guys in charge of milk must have fallen asleep at the marketing table as there is cheese on everything, absolutely everything and yet it is hard to find real milk anywhere. Everything has UHT or creamers.
4.       First prize, however, goes to the potato chip manufacturers who have managed to negotiate a deal with major food producers and food franchises that everything, even sandwiches, come with a ‘complimentary’ packet of chips.  
Hilary left hospital yesterday and is at home resting.

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