Friday 8 March 2013

3/3/13 – Always keen to try new things…..

The key to being happy in life may be connected to not only to our willingness to choose to look on the bright side of life but also to our ability to be flexible and to accept, embrace and even effect change in our lives. In addition to our physical environment which we are told is constantly changing… there is also our life’s journey – our intellectual, physical, social and emotional journey.
In most cases, when we are kids we are nurtured by our parents and family. Then we stretch our wings, we leave the nest, then wish we were back in the nest, then make our own nest and if we’re lucky it will be with a partner with whom we can go on to experience lots of new adventures. Our environment and relationships are continually evolving and anyone who expects them to remain fixed and unchanging is sure to be disappointed.
So I guess the idea might be to establish a stable base at first and then welcome change from that secure foundation. In my experience it is people who have an insecure base who don’t seem to adapt well when faced with change and instability … they seek consistency and the world they know.
Peter and I have been making a conscious effort of late to seek and embrace change. How have we gone about this? Well, we’ve been going to the gym and keeping an eye on what and how much we eat in order to improve our physical health. We have also been reading more widely which may have improved our intellectual scope (trouble is I keep forgetting it all - hence this blog acts as my journal). We have been spending a lot of time together, a rare thing for us and something that can be a ‘make or break’ for any couple emotionally. And finally we have set up a life for ourselves in a new city, with the result that we have had to make new friends and do all those things (great and small) that one needs to do in order to put down roots in a new place eg find a supermarket, doctor, dentist and wine merchant!     
So in keeping with our ‘trying new things’ theme we decided that today was the day we finish off the ‘new wardrobe for Peter movement’ that had been begun by Cameron when he was here. Now I can hear cheers from home but, to his credit, the man we all know and love in a suit or tracksuit (with no middle ground in between) has been willing to go beyond his comfort zone and try some fashionable items as recommended by the ‘wardrobe consultants’ of NYC.
I am so proud of my husband who now has an array of new clothes – including suits with braces, cufflinks, vests, sports coats, an overcoat and even some Calvin Klein undies! And would you believe me if I told you that, in addition to aftershave he now has his own moisturiser? The question now is: when will I work up the courage to take my own advice, follow his lead, and step into a world outside my usual ‘t-shirts and black pants’ attire? Mmm perhaps a few more months at the gym before I bite that bullet….. 
ps Hans and Sue’s flight has been delayed so it looks like we will not be seeing them until tomorrow morning sometime!

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