Tuesday 25 June 2013

5/6/13 – Jason Kidd Retires

 Today I spent most of the day writing the blog about the Met and their ‘Photography and the Civil War’ exhibition. To give you some idea of the process it takes 3 hours to research and write the piece, then an hour to download the photos (as the wifi in our apartment is very slow), Peter then edits the work and changes heaps apparently! It then takes another hour to upload the article and the photos. Often the layout gets mucked up and so I have to go back in and fix it up. (Sometimes I just can’t fix it and give up – hence some of them are a little wonky!) As part of my new ‘Zen’ philosophy, I am taking the view that life is not perfect and therefore neither do I have to be, and neither should I expect perfection from others. I am going for excellence not perfection so please remind me of this if I forget!

Eventually I had had enough of blogging so Peter and I went off to the gym for a late workout and then came home to spend the rest of the day packing up the apartment.

ps - Jason Kidd retired today from the NBA after 19 seasons, ending one of the greatest careers for a point guard in league history. Kidd won an NBA title and two Olympic gold medals, is second on the career list in assists and steals, and was a 10-time All-Star. But he struggled badly in the playoffs for the Knicks shortly after turning 40 and decided to walk away with two years and more than $US6 million left on the deal he signed last summer. "My time in professional basketball has been an incredible journey, but one that must come to an end after 19 years," Kidd said in a statement released by the Knicks. "As I reflect on my time with the four teams I represented in the NBA, I look back fondly at every season and thank each every one of my teammates and coaches that joined me on the court." Good effort big fella! He's now the new coach of the Brooklyn Nets!

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