Tuesday 25 June 2013

14/6/13 – Hello Montana

So with NYC ‘done’ it is now time to move on to other adventures that are awaiting our attention. This morning we were up at 6am and after a light breakfast Peter took our six bags, yes folks six 23 kgs bags, down the four long flights of stairs, while I helpfully supervised his every step!

Unfortunately the cab that we had booked to take us to the airport failed to arrive, so we hailed the closest cab and, to the great surprise of the driver, Peter managed to load all six bags, two carry-ons and two back packs into the cab. Luckily I am now so thin that I could fit in the glove box!
If we thought the plane from JFK to Salt Lake City was small, we were opened to a whole new world of ‘small’ when we boarded our plane to Missoula. It was a pretty tight and uncomfortable flight but finally, after 6 hours of flying we made it to Missoula International Airport where we were met by our friend Miriam Richmond and her two delightful girls, Amelia and Rose. The little girls got to carry the little bags and the adults got two big bags each. Luckily Miriam has a big van so we all piled in.

When we got home we met Nate (Miriam’s husband) and we immediately decided we liked this guy who had prepared a wonderful elk stir fry for our dinner – how could we not like a man who had gone to all the trouble of hunting down and shooting an 800lb elk for us with his cross bow, skinning and butchering it in the wild, bringing home the prime cuts for our dinner (which he cooked himself) and who then stashed the rest of the beast in a big freezer out in the garage just so that we could be certain of having plenty more red meat to eat during our stay?

We knew immediately that we were in a place with blue sky and green grass and that was far away from the highly processed fast foods and sugary drinks of NYC … and we loved it!

Hello Montana.

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