Sunday 2 June 2013

22/5/13 – Longwood Middle School ‘Schools to Watch’ Day 2

Oooh our final Butler’s Manor breakfast – compote of fruit, fresh orange juice and today peach and raspberry slice with honey oatmeal muffins and tea. As we left the Hamptons and returned to the more ‘normal’ parts of Long Island we decided that we would see ‘The Great Gatsby’ when we got back to town as it was set here on Long Island and in the 1920’s. Now as it was then, this is quite a place for the rich and famous to party!
But the main business of the day was the ‘Schools to Watch’ Program Day 2 where I undertook the assessor training. It involved understanding the standard required for evaluating the Stage 1 written report and making recommendation for the Stage 2 school visitation.

It is a great process for schools undertake as together they can reflect on the alignment of their philosophies and practice, identify strengths and weaknesses and to work collaboratively to design a way forward to meet the needs of those in their school community.   

Peter was hoping to spend the day at the American Indian Reserve but it was closed. Still he managed to amuse himself exploring other parts and when not active he was reading on the beach. We enjoyed our drive down the LIE to the Jericho turnpike and our new hotel for tomorrow I was visiting one of the ‘Schools to Watch’ on Long Island - Jericho Middle School.

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