Saturday 9 February 2013

5/2/13 – Massage Day

There is something magical for a girl from Perth about walking down 3rd Avenue with music in her ears and big snowflakes brushing against her cheeks. People at home are deep into summer and here I am looking snappy in my woolly socks and boots and coat and gloves and scarf and beanie and ear muffs listening to Amy Winehouse. Truth is you can’t really see me but I’m here nonetheless and loving it. Oooh did someone say 3rd Avenue – this is where the thrift shops are.
Shame no new stuff for me today. I wish the lovely rich ladies who died and donated their clothing were a little bigger. I supposed as the dowagers of NYC they lived under the mantra of ‘one can never be too rich or too thin’. Damn that Mrs Simpson! Eh – so I went on to the gym instead. As it was week two of our diet and exercise program I treated us to a little reward – a massage with Kadiesha and it was good.

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