Saturday 29 December 2012

28/12/12 – A Tribute To My Uncle Ken…..

Woke, packed and said farewell to Becky and Barrow. It was a joy to spend time with them and we look forward to keeping up the correspondence. Becky is a ‘docent’ – a guide to a gallery or museum - and with her excellent contacts in the travel business she had managed to swing us a good deal at the Terranea Resort and Country Club back in LA at Rancho Palas Verdos. So that’s where we headed.
This resort is located just south of LA and next to the Trump Golf Course. Needless to say it was expansive and well-appointed although we were slightly bothered by the constant flow of helicopters and golf buggies ferrying guests to and from venues. Still the complimentary glass of champagne upon arrival put us in the right frame of mind for our afternoon walk along the cliff face. The Pacific Ocean is just as pretty on it eastern shore as it is in Australia and the occasional break along the way for a drink was relaxing.
Our favourite spot was ‘Nelson’s’ a café atop a hill overlooking the crashing waves. It is dedicated to Lloyd Bridge’s and his character ‘Mike Nelson’ from the TV series ‘Sea Hunt’. The series was filmed here from 1958 to 1961 and the photos displayed on the walls of the restaurant reminded us of our childhood spent watching Mike Nelson the ex-navy freelance scuba diver and his adventures travelling on the Argonaut, outmanoeuvring villains to save threatened people and salvage various items.
Although Sea Hunt only ran for four seasons (with 155 episodes) it was repeated on Australian TV so often that it felt to us as if it had run for our entire childhoods, and beyond. Lloyd Bridge’s died many years ago now but for us, the voiceovers he did during the underwater sequences in the show and his heartfelt advice, at the end of each program, on how important it was for all of us to do whatever we could to care for the marine environment are features that will be locked forever in our memories.        
Seafood buffet was amazing and we finished the night with a port by the fire listening to some wonderful music. Late checkout organised! 

1 comment:

  1. It is the last day of 2012, 40 degrees again so New Year's eve will be warm. Sindo having another feed!!! Good to see Neddies well represented at a College Football game. How many RV's did you visit at the "tail gate" party? They certainly know how to do things on a grand scale. I guess you may have heard the sad news of Tony Greig dying from a heart attack a couple of days ago. Mike Hussey has announced his retirement from Test Cricket and Troy Buswell could face more financial ruin in his defamation action against Adele Carles. Had the bromfields round for a short feed last night they send love and told us stuff we already know like " Wendy is a saint".

    Well, off to do the shopping, then ironing, washing, watering the gardens, washing cars - y'know - stuff you don't have to do!!!

    Happy new Year, Have a great Hogmanay all or love - Soonhans
