Sunday 5 May 2013

22/4/13 – MoMA Monday

Today we had booked for lunch at ‘The Modern’ – MoMA’s famous and much vaunted member’s only restaurant. Very cool décor and the food unique in flavour and presentation. I had the wild mushroom soup followed by ‘egg in a jar’. This ‘egg’ consisted of a barely cooked egg in a preserve jar with sea urchin ‘froth’ and some chunks of lobster. Delicious and best described as a coddled egg for adults!

Peter had the strip steak and what was the most perfectly displayed chocolate mousse dessert either of us has ever seen. Needless to say the perfection didn’t last long! Once filled, we wondered up to the second floor to join one of MoMA ‘gallery conversation’ tours. This one was about ‘Art and Technology’.

We looked at Pop Art and how Warhol used technology in his ‘death and disasters’ series, how Dan Flavin took everyday items like fluorescent tubes and changed their role to make art in form and image. We then moved over to Cheryl Levine who combined old school wood block printing with high tech computers to print out the pixelated colour schemes for the most famous works from Duchamp, Kirchner, Mondrian and Monet.

Finally we looked at Wade Guyton and how he uses computers and printers to complete digital printing on plywood. He makes the image on a computer then uses low tech wood ink and both personal and industrial printers to produce the final image – flaws and all. He has been compared to abstract expressionists like Jackson Pollock as it's also about the motion that forms the artwork ie how the canvas coming out of the printer. This is a black plywood door - not Peter's favourite!
These works of art could not have been created if not for the latest technology.  Interesting thought but was this not always the case!

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